Village of Cleves, Miami Township, Ohio - Est. 1818 - Mayor Chuck Birkholtz


- Zoning Dept. -
The Planning and Zoning Committee will meet as needed.
For info on Committee and BZA meetings contact:
Gary Walters
Office hours are Tuesdays from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, or call for appointment.

The Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission is a local elected and appointed government board charged with recommending to the Village Council the boundaries of the various original zoning district and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein and any proposed amendments thereto and shall collect data and keep itself informed as to the best practices generally in effect in the matter of Village planning and zoning to the end that it may be qualified to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning.
The Village of Cleves has been certified by the State of Ohio to operate a Residential and Non-Residential Building Department. We also have a Zoning Code Enforcement Officer who addresses all zoning needs.
The Zoning Map and Zoning Manual below are provided as a convenience. Please contact the Village Zoning Official to obtain the official zoning designations.